GL - Die Mode: the perfect room
It was distinguished as the “Store of the Year“ by the German Retail Association (Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE) in the Fashion category: “GL-Die Mode” in Arnsberg. The prize was awarded to the clear and dynamic store and lighting concept in the interplay with the extraordinary interior design by KEGGENHOFF I PARTNER.

Linearity is so convincing: the interior designer Sabine Keggenhoff and her team designed the ladies and gentlemen’s area with their respective own entrances and created the connection through the white central store area. Recessed AGIRA luminaires fit in unobtrusively and flush with the ceiling. Natural materiality and value are radiated by the lateral surfaces with their wooden floors and ceilings as well as the black rear wall area. Our white CANILO track lights enliven and accentuate the fashion for Him and Her and with the recessed spotlights form a harmonious duo.

CANILO’s appearance, this time in black, accentuates, from the centre, the fashion realm of the family-owned company in the Sauerland. The clearly designed departments were arranged mirror-inverted and are impressive as a result of the lightness and freshness of their appearance. The track lights do a good job on the 3.15 m high ceilings and cut a fine figure. In total, through the interior design and lighting concept corresponding in function and design an inviting shopping oasis is produced that invites to a dialogue between the customer and “his/her” fashion world.

The black/white contrasts and natural impression of the overall design are reinforced through the lighting and the pinpoint accurate scene-setting for exclusive products. Our dynamic and scenic illumination makes it possible to experience the goods and displays with a special intensity. Multimedia screens and a flexible rear wall solution for the varied range provide the customers with a modern shopping landscape with stage character. The elegant directional CANILO spotlights with their up to 4000 lumens guarantee a high degree of visual comfort and go along with each new alignment of the range.

“It was our aim to develop a consistent design language with an experience character. Lighting, interior design and visual merchandising are ideally coordinated with one another.”
Prof. Sabine Keggenhoff, KEGGENHOFF I PARTNER

"Lighting as the heart beat at the POS: in the entrance area four groups of luminaires were installed which can be controlled with our “Live Link” lighting management system. The light moves as a rhythmic wave in varying intensities through the room. The effect on the customer already as he/she enters is extremely attractive and lively. Used here are BONEO accent spotlights. With their turning and pivoting joint, the highly efficient reflectors and the integrated LED-IQ equipment this is the best choice for this unusual lighting control system.
Interior design: www.keggenhoff.de, Arnsberg-Neheim
Photos: www.constantin-meyer.de, Cologne
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Oktalite Lichttechnik GmbH
Mathias-Brüggen-Straße 73
50829 Cologne
+49 221 59767-0